III Corinthians 22:12-14
And lo shall they eat of the kernel that groweth on the cob. The days they shall eateth will be many and their passages shall be recorded in the book of life. Of no other beast of the field, or bush of the Earth could they partake.
So let it be written, so let it be done
Ok, let's do it. I can't do it next week, but maybe the week after. I'd rather get paid, but I guess I'll do it voluntarily...
Wait. I'm confused. Do we not eat corn for a week? Do we eat nothing but things that have corn in them? Does this include corn snakes? Can we eat corn bread? Do we have to wear our hair in corn rows? Can we eat foods that rhyme with corn? Are there any foods that rhyme with corn?
Erin, you can only eat corn and it can't be creamed corn or buttery corn or anything that will taint the experiment! It's just plain corn for 7 straight days and you have to keep a journal about what the "results" are!(hehe) And MAYBE I'll pay you, but honestly I'm kinda hurt that you're doing this with Jill and not me. What's that about??!
Nono, it's me and Larry. Jill is too much of a pansy to do it.
You can do it too! But I thought that the reason you were going to pay somebody was so that you didn't have to do it.
We are waiting until corn season.
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