Monday, October 4, 2010

Welcome back cobber

I see our old friend Beck has linked to this historical artifact so I thought I would write a quick hello to newcomers. If you are used to reading her stuff you may find our blog is markedly unsophisticated, so go forward with some warning. Since this was written blog fashion, skip down to the bottom and start reading up for a chronological telling.

I (Larry) am not currently blogging anything.

You can find Erin on the road, playing sweet tunes.


Anonymous said...

No way. I just re-read through our dusty blog the other day (please, please don't ask me why).

And you should be blogging, Larry.

Anonymous said...

I cam across this blog when researching vitamin deficiencies and would like to warn against anyone choosing to attempt this diet. In the medical community, it is generally well known fact that a diet where solely corn based foods are consumed results in Vitamin B3 Niacin deficiency. The symptoms present as pellagra, which is a combination of diarrhea, dementia, and dermatitis. Eventually, it can cause death. I strongly suggest you place a warning on this website.

Anonymous said...

I Never ever found such edifying blogs.