Every good scientific experiment starts out with the experimenters forming their hypotheses, or predictions about the outcome of the experiment. As the dawn of the Diet of Corn draws ever nearer, I find that I have formed no singular hypothesis. I am completely unopinionated as to what will happen. Could go any way. However, it appears that I am in luck! The Diet of Corn will not be without hypotheses! Fortunately for us, several people have taken the time and effort to do research and think about our humble experiment long enough to offer us some well thought-out hypotheses. Let's have a look at them!
Generously Offered Hypotheses (we didn't even ask for them!)
- We will starve
- We will develop an allergy to corn
- We will be malnourished
- We will be unreasonably weak by week's end
- We will irreparably damage our digestive tract
- We will be quite gassy
Today I have been savoring the taste of variety. I am simmering with ideas for corn patties. I am eating an entire thing of Oreo cookies.
Until tomorrow!
Wow. Any one of those things would be horrible.
I would like to personally thank you for doing the corn diet prior to our trip to Asheville. I don't want to be trapped in the car with a corn induced gassy Erin during our drive.
I will be supporting you by not eating any corn, and passing the goods along to you.
Love you.
Not Dominic... but Kerry
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