Hello, dear readers! The 5th day of the Diet of Corn is rapidly receding and bringing us ever closer to the prized penultimate day of corn-exclusive dieting! I am so excited for this to almost be over! All day tomorrow I can boast that simply a day and a morn separates us from food variety. How awesome!
However, today I feel both a unique feeling and a very familiar feeling, and it is stronger than both anticipation and even temptation, but rhymes equally. It is cornstipation. In the past my intestines have been very sensitive, even say the word "grease" and they would shrivel up like a prune (they don't much like those either). But switching to an all fruit/vegetable/grain/chocolate diet has helped considerably, and I haven't had an episode since. Apparently too much of a good thing is a bad thing (though corn right now IS a bad thing) and my intestines can't make up their mind. All I know is that they will be happy to be off this diet as well, though I am a little bit worried about how they will react to the very sudden diet change. Maybe we should ease into it slowly.
In other news, I hope we go out for Mexican food on Thursday! I can almost taste those greasy chips and guacamole!
Until the morrow, I bid you adieu. Only one and half more days!
If we don't do the beach, due to weather, I promise that we will go for mexican food... no corn on your burrito.
PS... this is one of my favorite pictures of you.
I love you corn-girl.
I really love the way the sunlight is glinting in the window just behind you. Very artsy.
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