After the dancing had ended, the two were speechless. The looked to and fro, and all around them were fanciful treats of which they had not tasted in 7 days. How were the to choose? How were they ever to choose? So accustomed were they to eating identically, they decided to each get a burrito. The Lady of the Line of the Palace of the Burrito appeared to be under the "I-don't-give-a-shit" spell, a spell that is all to common in the Court of Food, cast by the great wizard The Man, so Larry's burrito took much longer to make than Erin's, and Erin waited at the table with her co-workers and greedily eyed her food, restless for his return. When Larry finally returned, unsuccessful at breaking the spell of the Lady of the Line, they awkwardly toasted burritos and ate of the meal so coveted for a week. (Sitting in between our burrito toasters is M-Jo, the originator of the idea)

Diet of Corn Summation:
Pounds lost: 3
Corn eaten: Shit ton
Tired of Corn: Very
Corny poop: Very
Respect gained: Endless
What did happen:
Until the next corn, I bid you adieu.
Pounds lost: 3
Corn eaten: Shit ton
Tired of Corn: Very
Corny poop: Very
Respect gained: Endless
What did happen:
- Corny poop
- Weariness of corn
- Awesome conversation topic for parties gained
- Brief, but resolved cornstipation
- Hilarity ensued
- We did not starve
- We did not develop an allergy to corn (other than wanting to vomit when I think of it)
- We were not terribly malnourished
- We (I) was not unreasonably weak by week's end (Larry looked slightly pale)
- We might have not irreparably damaged our digestive tract
- We (I) was not quite gassy
Until the next corn, I bid you adieu.
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