While pondering the upcoming hardships on my co-workers digestive system, I thought of all the usefull things we do with corn. People make BILLIONS of dollars off of its "corny" goodness. Fuel, plastics, food... the list goes on and on. But, what about those shmucks that have to cash in and make every penny they can on useless products. My first thought went to corn holders, but then I remembered how usefull they really are when I dont want to get my hands all greasy. What else could there be? Well, fellow readers I give you THE POPCORN FORK WITH BUILT IN SALT SHAKER!
Its quoted as being the "The most unique eating utensil since the Dark Ages" They are so right, the spork was such a common idea.
Does it salt each serving or do you flip it over? Either way I give 1 out of 5 quacks.
Look, I dont know the physics of it, it never explained it. All I know is that its probably as useless as tits on a bull but claims MULITPLE possibilities
That could be a good investment if one were to eat nothing but popcorn for a week...
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